Posts Tagged ‘first time moms’

7 Dirty Little Secrets From Experienced Moms

Girl time. Something most women absolutely love! Visiting and talking about their lives, their kids, their men and their friends?! Who wouldn’t love that? The other night I was with a few other moms and we started chatting about our lives…our MOM lives. The things we do. The things we miss. The things we love. […] Read more…

8 Things Motherhood Is And 8 Things It Isn’t

Photos on this article are by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography 8 Things Motherhood Is Not:  1. MOTHERHOOD IS NOT JUST ABOUT OUR APPEARANCE: Although when you think of a mom you may imagine messy hair, dirty clothes, a mini van, to-do lists and crunched up fishy crackers at the bottom of her purse, motherhood […] Read more…

But you are enough.

Photo by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography  The toddler is screaming for his blanket that you left in the car because five minutes before this melt down he assured you he didn’t want it, the nine month old is fussing because of course you decided to load up the family for a quick trip […] Read more…

9 Lies Moms Are Guilty Of Telling Themselves

I’m a mom. I’m a wife. I’m a 20-something woman. And I am SO guilty of comparing my life to other people’s lives pretty often. It is definitely something I believe that a lot of women experience. Whether we compare our weight, our clothes, our money, our parenting, the cleanliness of our houses, how amazing […] Read more…

My Wife is JUST a Mom

You’ve probably had a conversation similar to this before: “Hey! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever!” “Ya, it has been a while, good to see you.” “It sure has. How’s your family? Is your wife still just at home with the little one?” “They’re all great, ya she’s at home full […] Read more…

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