Archive of ‘Mom Life’ category

10 Habits Of A Happy Woman

This week we are focusing on being happy and learning how to find happiness RIGHT where you are, at this VERY moment. Whether you are single or married – have seven kids or none- each of us will go through challenges, trials and really REALLY hard days. Today I wanted to talk about finding happiness in […] Read more…

A Heartwarming Lesson For Moms That Struggle

Nowhere else does the phrase “not as easy as it looks” apply more than motherhood. If I had a dollar for every time someone told my pre-motherhood self: “You’re going to be such a great mom!” I would have had…well…a lot of dollars. Probably enough dollars to buy out Costco’s entire ice cream section to […] Read more…

Why Be A Stay-At-Home Mom?

I was 18 when I began my career in the Hotel Industry. To say I LOVED it would be an understatement. Working in the corporate world, while going to college, kept me busy and on the right path to a successful career that lied ahead. I worked hard and met amazing people that I still […] Read more…

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