Archive of ‘Mom Life’ category

10 Reasons The Momiform Is Sexy

  The momiform… Everywhere you go, you see it. In the drop-off line at school, at the grocery store, in the library, especially at Target, even at the park and maybe even in your own home. Moms all over the world are rockin’ their comfortable pants that are easy to move around in, oversized tees […] Read more…

20 Reasons Mamas Are Always Late

Clocks! Oh boy! Why? Why can’t we all just go with the flow. I used to HAVE to be on time. I swear I mentally would tell myself something starts 20 minutes before, so that I would get there “on time”. That all went out the window when my first baby came. My sister always used […] Read more…

How A FISH Can Change Your Family

Family Night… hands down, my 100% favorite night of the week! Each week depending on our calendar and lists of things to do, we set aside a specific night that we can spend time together as a family. Just the three of us. We like to go to a yummy dinner, go on a little […] Read more…

28 Things Moms Like To Do

“So… what do YOU like to do?” All eyes were on me and my mind was completely blank. Ummm… I like…to… be… a mom? I answered, but questioned myself slowly. It was at that moment that I realized that my life revolved around my baby girl! “What do I like to do?! What in the world […] Read more…

6 Simple Steps To Love Yourself

A young girl wakes up every morning, hoping to find that best friend that she has always dreamed of spending her life with, wondering if she will ever find love. A wife cries all day, trying to find happiness in her marriage, wondering what she should do in her relationship. A new mom stays up […] Read more…

What Christmas with a Baby is Really Like

Christmas is such a fun time of year! Everything from the trees, to the lights to the presents is all so magical. Even with all of that magic, Christmas can sometimes be challenging when you have a baby at home. This hilarious video from Story of this Life brings the reality of what Christmas really […] Read more…

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