Posts Tagged ‘mom life’

A Heartwarming Lesson For Moms That Struggle

Nowhere else does the phrase “not as easy as it looks” apply more than motherhood. If I had a dollar for every time someone told my pre-motherhood self: “You’re going to be such a great mom!” I would have had…well…a lot of dollars. Probably enough dollars to buy out Costco’s entire ice cream section to […] Read more…

Why Be A Stay-At-Home Mom?

I was 18 when I began my career in the Hotel Industry. To say I LOVED it would be an understatement. Working in the corporate world, while going to college, kept me busy and on the right path to a successful career that lied ahead. I worked hard and met amazing people that I still […] Read more…

Our Children Are Listening #LoveYourHair

“You are so beautiful!” I told my three-year-old as I was doing her hair yesterday morning. She looked at the girl in the mirror staring back at her and smiled so big. With the grin on her face and head tilted to the side she said, “Moooom! You always say that.” And then I realized…she […] Read more…

Dear Daughter, The Things I Hope You Remember

A Letter from Mother to Daughter I was watching my three year old the other day as she was playing with her friends. Their innocence made me smile, as everything was just fine and perfect in their “three year old world.” These little ladies playing dress up and house, didn’t have a worry outside of exactly how their sandwiches […] Read more…

It’s Not Easy Being A Mom

It’s not easy being a blogger. Did you know everyday when bloggers write an article and publish it out into the Internet, it has potential to reach 3 BILLION people. According to Internet Live Stats, in 2016 there have been that many internet users in the entire world! SO crazy! Putting yourself out there is NOT […] Read more…

To The Mom With A Messy House

You know that amazing feeling when you go to bed knowing your entire house is clean? Yeaaaaaah, neither do I.  And to be honest? Most moms don’t. Being a mom is a whole lot of work! As you juggle your daily lists of things to do {which INCLUDES cleaning the house at least seven times}, […] Read more…

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