Posts Tagged ‘mom life’

30 {Secret} Benefits Of Being A Mom

Recently we surveyed our readers from Facebook and Instagram and asked them “What is your favorite secret ‘parenting privilege’ that you do that would embarrass you if others found out?” The answers were surprising and made us laugh more than just a little bit. You are just going to love these 30 {SECRET} BENEFITS OF […] Read more…

10 Ways To Live Life Like A Toddler

Having a toddler around the house has made our home a lot different than it use to be. Where there use to be fashion magazines, there are now parenting books. Where there use to be an office, there is now a toddler bed . Where there use to be a couples hang-out area, there is now boxes […] Read more…

50 Shades Of Motherhood

I was at the park and overheard two moms talking about the book 50 Shades of Grey.  I’ve never read the book and I don’t plan to see the movie, but their conversation reminded me of something. As we sat and watched our children play together, going up and down the slides, I thought to […] Read more…

The Secrets I Keep From My Daughter

It was just past Christmas and I was visiting with my in-laws about how busy Santa had been. I had stayed up for hours putting together our gift to my two-year-old daughter and as I recounted my labor, I saw out of the corner of my eye, the quizative look out of my niece’s eyes. […] Read more…

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