Posts Tagged ‘husband and wife’

6 Pillars to Nurturing Your Marriage

Hey there. Aaron & April (from Nurturing Marriage) here. We are so happy to be guest posting for Todays the Best Day. We love Danielle, and love how she is helping moms everywhere to make every day the best day. We are two happily married people, constantly working to nurture our marriage and take care […] Read more…

20 Ways to Annoy Your Wife

Let’s face it, married life isn’t for sissies. This everyday adventure is full of ups and downs that bring couples closer together, most of the time. After my wife and I got married we had so much fun together enjoying the honeymoon stage and truly falling even more in love than we were before. As […] Read more…

There Is Only Love

Love (luv), n., v., 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. 2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection. When you first utter those 3 little words you feel nothing but love towards that special person. They are your everything, the first thing you think about when you wake up and the […] Read more…

11 Things Your Wife Won’t Tell You

We walked out of our wedding reception holding hands as the crowd was cheering for us. Our  car was decorated with balloons and streamers – so much that we could barely get inside. The back window said “JUST MARRIED” and I felt like I was floating in the car with my big wedding dress taking up […] Read more…

Why A Wife Needs A Husband

The other day it was freezing in our house – Winter suddenly arrived over night! As I was pulling down on the string to our ceiling fan, the string completely broke off and I found myself standing under a speedy fan with the string in my hands. I just stood there looking at what I […] Read more…

The Anatomy of an Apology

From the moment you woke up this morning you have been communicating with others. Whether it is online, in person or via text message, you are interacting with others. As you communicate with others you strive to convey your feelings through words and phrases. Throughout all of English, there is one phrase in the that […] Read more…

10 Things Men May Never Understand

When my husband and I first got married we sat down to work on our finances. We wrote down all of our “necessities” versus our “wants”. Of course on our Necessities list there were things like rent, groceries, electricity, car, gas and cell phones. And on our Wants list there were things like date night, […] Read more…

27 Signs Your Man Is A Great Dad

I always knew my husband would be a great dad – EVERY little kid has always been drawn to him! I remember when we were dating and newly married, at family gatherings all of the 2-10 year olds were SO excited for Uncle Tyson to be there. He was fun and wasn’t afraid to play on […] Read more…

Why Do Marriages Really Struggle

I think it is so important to remember that no marriage is perfect! And if you are struggling in your marriage – you are totally NOT alone. I am so honored to introduce you all to Sam Tielemans, a marriage and family therapist in Las Vegas, to talk today a little about why marriages really […] Read more…

30 Truths About Marriage

The football field was lit up by a pathway of candles, leading the way to a picnic set up underneath the goal post. There were two chairs, a table, a dozen roses, a guitar, yummy food and most importantly…him. The 21-year-old boy of my dreams was standing there. I couldn’t help but smile from ear […] Read more…

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