Spring Cleaning With Sticks

I once read the most hilarious quote and it said, “Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.” i seriously died of laughter – not only because it is true… but because I have experienced this first hand! {As I believe MANY of you can relate!} I can spend […] Read more…

PaciDoodle Discount Code and Giveaway

Hey cute moms!! I have a fun giveaway today that I am excited to introduce you to!! It is such an honor to be teaming up with PaciDoodle today – “A little paci-love made with a lot of His love.”  The shop that makes PERSONALIZED pacifiers! Lorri, the creator and founder of Pacidoodle® is a mom […] Read more…

Because Of Him

Happy Easter to all of you!! I am so grateful for this wonderful Sunday that I have been able to spend with my family, celebrating and remembering the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that most of you are with your families and won’t have much time to read this today, but I […] Read more…

Top 15 Most Creative Easter Baskets

SO excited to celebrate one of my most favorite holidays this weekend, Easter! I love all of the fun traditions and of course celebrating our Savior! I absolutely loved growing up and celebrating this special day with my family! I remember every Easter Sunday we watched the movie Easter Dream, we would get a new […] Read more…

Simple Steps to become your Super Self

Often times we use the word “perfect.” We say, “she has perfect clothes” or “she is seriously perfect…she does EVERYTHING!” or “she always looks so perfect.”  When you hear the word “perfect” what comes to your mind? Did you know that each of us probably think of something different when we hear that word? “PERFECT” […] Read more…

Anchor Of My Soul

I normally have a lot to say and words just come to my mind as I type, but today I am honestly kind of struggling, you guys! This week has been a whirlwind for my family. My birthday was on Monday and I was SO excited to spend the whole day with with Tyson and […] Read more…

Managing MONEY in Marriage

When it comes to money, my husband is a saver and I am a spender. Luckily, in a marriage that is a pretty good balance! If it were up to me, we would probably have no money, but a lot of fun! Shopping and fun activities would be on our daily list of activities. Thank […] Read more…

Little Trender Boutique GIVEAWAY

Who is ready for a GIVEAWAY?! One of the reasons I started this blog was because so many people asked me where I got Laila’s clothes, so I thought I would share it with the world. WELL, I am really excited about Today’s Giveaway because this cute boutique is a few of our favorite stores… […] Read more…

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