Archive of ‘Mom Hacks’ category

Becoming Better Today

Often times I find myself wanting to be MORE. I am super guilty of comparing myself to others – which is a crazy habit that I think a lot of us women experience. I personally, want to have a rockin’ body and weigh 120 pounds! I want to be a better cook and have dinner ready […] Read more…


From the moment you find out that you are pregnant, people will say, “Congratulations! Your life is just about to change!” But honestly – you really don’t fully understand what that means until you experience it. You think to yourself, “Yeah! I am going to be a mom and have a little baby I get […] Read more…

Are You Ready To Be A Mom?

Some women are born with the desire to become a mom. It just comes natural to them and their hearts ache for a child! When they see a baby, they want to hold the sweet little thing and never let it go! That is me. I have just always loved babies! I remember playing “Mommy and Baby” […] Read more…

How To Make Your Child’s Summer Awesome

Since I have become a mom I have found myself constantly thinking and relating to Disney movies and Nickelodeon cartoon’s and I have to say… I seriously feel like Olaf lately from Frozen! I am SO excited for SUMMER! “A drink in my hand, my {body} up against the burning sand…Prob’ly getting gorgeously tanned, In summer” – […] Read more…

Spring Cleaning With Sticks

I once read the most hilarious quote and it said, “Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.” i seriously died of laughter – not only because it is true… but because I have experienced this first hand! {As I believe MANY of you can relate!} I can spend […] Read more…

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