Posts Tagged ‘things i love’

Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms

The Fall is the PERFECT time to start fresh, set new goals, and get back into a daily routine! For a lot of school districts, today was the first day of school! What an exciting time of year for  the whole family! I have loved seeing all of your cute kids in their back to school […] Read more…

Be Kind To Everyone You Meet

This week we have been talking about happiness and finding a way to be happy RIGHT where we are. But yesterday, I learned something about true happiness. I shared the article Habits of a Happy Woman, that listed 10 things that we can do in our lives to find joy as ladies. BUT – what […] Read more…

DIY – Organize Bows and Headbands

I am a big believer that a girl can NEVER have too many accessories! From the moment I found out that Laila was a girl – I started shopping for headbands and bows! I didn’t know that it was going to be her “thing” until she was actually born though. She has not gone one […] Read more…

Spring Cleaning With Sticks

I once read the most hilarious quote and it said, “Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.” i seriously died of laughter – not only because it is true… but because I have experienced this first hand! {As I believe MANY of you can relate!} I can spend […] Read more…

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