Posts Tagged ‘first time moms’

Dear Daughter, The Things I Hope You Remember

A Letter from Mother to Daughter I was watching my three year old the other day as she was playing with her friends. Their innocence made me smile, as everything was just fine and perfect in their “three year old world.” These little ladies playing dress up and house, didn’t have a worry outside of exactly how their sandwiches […] Read more…

It’s Not Easy Being A Mom

It’s not easy being a blogger. Did you know everyday when bloggers write an article and publish it out into the Internet, it has potential to reach 3 BILLION people. According to Internet Live Stats, in 2016 there have been that many internet users in the entire world! SO crazy! Putting yourself out there is NOT […] Read more…

To The Mom With A Messy House

You know that amazing feeling when you go to bed knowing your entire house is clean? Yeaaaaaah, neither do I.  And to be honest? Most moms don’t. Being a mom is a whole lot of work! As you juggle your daily lists of things to do {which INCLUDES cleaning the house at least seven times}, […] Read more…

10 Things A GOOD Mom Is And Isn’t

From the moment we become pregnant as women and become mothers, EVERY person has a different opinion as to what we should eat, how we should sleep and how much we should exercise. Shortly after those fast eight months fly by and then the final month that feels like seven years finally passes… everyone has […] Read more…

But Aren’t We ALL Imperfect Parents

In this world today, parents are being criticized for…well…just about everything. How we give birth. How we feed our children. How we watch them too closely. How we don’t watch them enough. How we give our children medicine. How we use essential oils. How we let them sleep in their own beds. How we co-sleep. How […] Read more…

10 Reasons The Momiform Is Sexy

  The momiform… Everywhere you go, you see it. In the drop-off line at school, at the grocery store, in the library, especially at Target, even at the park and maybe even in your own home. Moms all over the world are rockin’ their comfortable pants that are easy to move around in, oversized tees […] Read more…

20 Reasons Mamas Are Always Late

Clocks! Oh boy! Why? Why can’t we all just go with the flow. I used to HAVE to be on time. I swear I mentally would tell myself something starts 20 minutes before, so that I would get there “on time”. That all went out the window when my first baby came. My sister always used […] Read more…

28 Things Moms Like To Do

“So… what do YOU like to do?” All eyes were on me and my mind was completely blank. Ummm… I like…to… be… a mom? I answered, but questioned myself slowly. It was at that moment that I realized that my life revolved around my baby girl! “What do I like to do?! What in the world […] Read more…

20 Reasons ALL Moms Are Hot Messes

Let’s be honest. Being a Mom is hard. Throughout the day you put on several hats as you transition from personal assistant to taxi service to professional sanitation specialist. It can be a pretty messy business. Finding yourself knee deep in diapers and laundry can cause you to wonder how the other “perfect” moms manage […] Read more…

What Should A Mom Know?

I love being a mom. I also love reading articles about other women’s experiences and admiring all of the different ways that you can actually be a mom. I think that is one of the best things about being a mom – that there are a million ways to be a good one! When you […] Read more…

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