A Weekly Cleaning Plan

Do you have a friend that you just look up to and it seems like everything they do is perfect? You just love how they play with their children, how their house is always in order, how they make the yummiest meals and still somehow have time to serve others and be a good friend […] Read more…

Choose Your Love

Every single day we make hundreds of choices. From the moment the alarm goes off, we have the choice to either get up and get going for the day or to press the snooze button and fall back asleep for that much needed five more minutes of rest. Once we are awake, we choose what […] Read more…

GIVEAWAY – Buttercups and Lace

I can’t believe it is time for another Giveaway! With Laila’s Loves BONUS Giveaway this week for Valentine’s Day, this week flew by and it is time for another Weekend Giveaway! I am SO excited for Spring! I love that here in Vegas the weather is already GORGEOUS! It feels like we have been living […] Read more…

Show The Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL of you!! I just LOVE each and every one of you for supporting me and following this journey of motherhood. I hope each of you are having a wonderful day! It is interesting to see how much Valentine’s Day has changed for me in the past 26 years. AGES 1-5: […] Read more…

The Bachelor Workout!

I am an AVID Bachelor fan. Every Monday night at 8pm, you know where to find me! From it’s VERY first season of the Bachelorette with Trista Sutter {who I adore} to Season 18 with Juan Pablo {who we will discuss in a moment} I have been addicted! Emily Maynard will always be my beauty […] Read more…

Baby Steps to a HAPPY LIFE

My one-year-old is learning how to walk. Every day we practice letting go of the furniture and taking baby steps across the room. She is having a hard time trusting in herself because she thinks she is going to fall. She can cruise around on her walker and she can get from point A to […] Read more…

“Laila’s Loves” GIVEAWAY

I have been looking forward to today for a while now! As I was planning this fun LOVE BUG Week – I knew I had to put together a fun Giveaway! What better way to celebrate the week of LOVE, than to have a Giveaway of all of LAILA’s favorite things…all of LAILA’S LOVES! It […] Read more…

Dating for Every Budget

The fun thing about planning a date is that YOU are in charge! You are the one that gets to decide if you will do something fun, romantic, adventurous, relaxing, crazy or calm. Depending on where you are at in your relationship with the person will depend on where you take them and what you […] Read more…

GIVEAWAY – Rain Cosmetics

As you all know, this week we are celebrating DATE WEEK and are talking about how to show our love to the men in our lives! One of the things on the list of How To Date Your Husband is to DRESS UP. Get ready for him… put on a cute outfit, do your hair, […] Read more…


April 26, 2003 was a day that changed my life forever. At the time, I didn’t know that it would be a significant day or that it would be a date that I would always remember. But it is. 6:00pm rolled around and there was a knock at my door. A cute boy on crutches […] Read more…

Love Don’t Cost A Thing

February is the month of LOVE! A time to show love to our spouses, children, extended family and even our friends. When I think of February I think of PINK {my favorite color}, sparkles, heart candies and flowers! These are just a few of my favorite things. This month on the blog will be just […] Read more…

GIVEAWAY – The Sweet Pop Shop

VALENTINE’S DAY is in 13 DAYS! Do you have a way to show your love to that special someone in your life yet?! Whether you do or not…no worries – I have a solution for you today! By popular demand, it is my pleasure to announce Today’s GIVEAWAY brought to us by The Sweet Pop […] Read more…

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