JANE.COM Giveaway & Review

Online shopping is where it is AT – and I am SURE you all would agree! For those of you that have been my besties for a while now probably saw a few months ago my quote on Instagram that read, “Online Shopping: Because it’s frowned upon to be in a store with no bra, […] Read more…

Back To School With Groupon Coupons

Besties! Hey, ladies! Can you even believe how fast this Summer is going?! I looked at my calendar the other day and realized it is almost August! AUGUST. August of course brings one thing to my mind: BACK TO SCHOOL! Even though my little lady isn’t in “school” yet, we love to take August as a reason […] Read more…

MIKAROSE – Review and Giveaway

“Modest is Hottest!” I always tell my little girl. Modesty is something I hope she will always love and strive for. I LOVE dressing modestly and am a HUGE believer that you can be modest and fashionable at the same time. AND thank you to Mikarose {one of my ultimate favorite modest stores around} you CAN […] Read more…

A Magical Day – Princess Giveaway

“Have faith in your dreams and someday, Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” We were walking through the mall a few months ago and my two-year-old started yelling, “ELSA! ELSA! FROZEN!” She could NOT believe her eyes. Elsa and […] Read more…

Bows and Baby Toes – Giveaway

Oh, having a little girl is SO fun! The accessories. The bows. The shoes. The hairstyles. Sometimes it feels like you have a real life baby doll to play dress up with! They are precious! Especially through those little years when they wear whatever you want them to. 🙂 Something funny about my little lady […] Read more…

Ashes Lashes – GIVEAWAY

Lashes. Gorgeous Lashes. Something that EVERY lady wants in her life right now, right?! As busy wives, moms, grandmas, employees, friends… WOMEN… we have a LOT to do! So who has time to sit in the bathroom mirror and put layers of mascara on?! Look no further – I have found your solution! Ashes Lashes provides […] Read more…

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