What Does The Name “MOM” Mean?

I received an email the other day from a cute girl who is getting ready to have her first baby. She told me that she was nervous about this new chapter in her life and she honestly wasn’t that excited about it. Becoming a mom is an overwhelming feeling – and I completely understood where she was coming from. For me, it was the “unknown” that made it so nerve racking. Was the baby inside of me going to be a boy or girl? Was she going to be healthy? If I ate cookie dough was it going to affect her? Was I going to be the good mom I always dreamed of being? Am I really capable of taking care of another human being?

The thing about being a mom – is that we all are SO different. Some women like to work, while others like to stay home. Some women like to go shopping, while others like to make their own clothes. Some moms are happily married with a man by their side. Some moms are single, working hard to provide for their families on their own. Some moms are young. Some moms are old. Some moms want more kids. Some moms are happy with where they are.  BUT – we all have one thing in common, and that is our name… “MOM.”

I remember the first time I heard Laila call me “mom.” She had just woken up from a nap and was banging her hands on her crib and yelling, “Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma!” I had to stop for a minute – she was calling for ME!? I was her MOM.

When we become a mother and our name changes to “MOM” we suddenly are all so similar. We each have different trials and experiences, but really – each of us know how it feels to be exhausted. Each of us know how it feels to be afraid. Each of us know how it feels to change into 4 outfits in one day because of explosive baby diapers. Each of us know how it feels to completely fall in love with a little person who weighs less than 10lbs {or in my case 10.7lbs – I was massive}.

What does the name MOM mean

Photo By Ms Wedding Image

So, what does the name “MOM” mean? Is it just what the little ones call us? What is the TRUTH behind this short, simple name?

MOM MEANS LOVE: The moment you get to hold that baby in your arms – I am pretty sure your heart doubles in size. It is a feeling that is hard to explain. “The love of a true mother comes nearer to being like the love of God than any other kind of love” said Joseph F. Smith.

MOM MEANS NO SHOWER IN THREE DAYS: And it is completely normal. Hair in a bun – yoga pants on. Wait… when DID I actually last shower? Who cares – #momlife.

MOM MEANS A SHOULDER TO CRY ON: No matter how old your children get – your shoulder will be used as a crying pillow. From a fussy newborn, to a toddler with boo-boos, to dealing with mean friends in elementary school, to breaking up with boyfriends in High School, to marriage in college and trials as an adult – moms are always there.

MOM MEANS STORY TIME: When you hold the title of “mom” you suddenly become extremely animated and know how to get your child’s attention through books and stories. You know how to make them laugh and you know how to make them listen {well… sometimes}.

MOM MEANS MEMORIZED CARTOONS: Bubble-Bubble-Bubble, Guppy-Guppy-Guppy, Bubble-Bubble-Bubble, Guppy-Guppy-Guppy, Bubble-Bubble, Guppy-Guppy, Bubble Guppies! If you are a mom to a toddler – you probably know that song and sang it in your head as you read it. 🙂

MOM MEANS LAUGHTER: After you become a mom, everything seems to be hilarious that your baby does and you are so proud. Even if everyone else around doesn’t get that excited about your baby sticking his tongue out for the first time or your child learns a funny dance move – you will love it and think it is so fun!

MOM MEANS WORRYING: NEVER had I ever worried as much as I do now that I hold the name “mom.” Your life is never the same – you will always find SOMETHING to worry about.

MOM MEANS SHOPPING: You may love this part of the name or you may hate it. I personally LOVE shopping for clothes, but HATE shopping for food. It comes with the title though – gotta love it!

MOM MEANS BLACK EYES: Maybe not REAL black eyes – but I mean, it is completely normal to be hit in the face with a toy or punched in the eye with a little hand. It amazes how many times I have had to use my ninja skills and dodge bullets as a mom.

MOM MEANS NO SLEEP: When you are a mom, you may have nights where you are literally up the ENTIRE night. I never knew the true definition of “exhausted” until my name became “Mom.”

MOM MEANS WISHING SHE WASN’T ASLEEP: But then there are going to be those nights when the baby is sound asleep and you would do ANYTHING for them to wake up – because you are longing for their cuddles, their smile and their smell. Sometimes I sneak into our one-year-old’s room just to stare at her because I miss her!

MOM MEANS FANCY AND PRETTY: In your child’s eyes – you are always beautiful. They will love playing with your hair, going through your jewelry and even wearing it around the house. They can’t wait to be just like MOM when they grow up.

MOM MEANS CHORES CHORES CHORES: Sometimes it feels like the housework is never ending. You will be picking up toys after toys – pretty much all day long.

MOM MEANS PROVIDER: As you hold the name “Mom” you will be your child’s food provider, money provider, transportation provider and house provider.

MOM MEANS HAIRY LEGS: It is completely normal to be taking a shower and suddenly have to get out because someone else needs you. Getting time for yourself can be a challenge – so embrace it and love the prickly hairy feeling.

MOM MEANS CUDDLES: Possibly the best part of being a mom – the cuddles. The endless moments of feeling NEEDED and loved.

MOM MEANS HAPPINESS: Changing your name to “MOM” will bring you the most happiness you will probably ever experience. It is priceless.

MOM MEANS EVERYTHING: When you are a mom – you become someones EVERYTHING.

In response to those who are nervous about becoming a mom – I am here to tell you today that the name “MOM” is the best name in the world. Be excited and cherish it! There is NO greater name you will ever be called.

What does “MOM” mean to you? I would love to hear from you!

Do you love holding the name, “MOM?” Then don’t forget to share! –

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7 Comments on What Does The Name “MOM” Mean?

  1. Jenivieve
    July 17, 2014 at 12:52 am (10 years ago)

    Beautiful. Moms have the hardest, best job in the world. Thank you for putting into such beautiful words.

  2. Dhemz
    July 16, 2014 at 3:58 pm (10 years ago)

    awwwwww…the beauty of motherhood! It’s feels so good to hear when someone calls you “MOM”.

  3. Laura funk
    July 16, 2014 at 5:55 am (10 years ago)

    I just posted a video on my FB page of my daughter saying mama! This post was wonderful and exactly on point! thanks for sharing

  4. Dede
    July 16, 2014 at 3:31 am (10 years ago)

    At our house, “Mom” means the person who will love you no matter what.

  5. Carissa
    July 16, 2014 at 2:05 am (10 years ago)

    Beautiful! I really needed some encouragement today. Being a mom is tough! But also so wonderful.

  6. Angie Agerter
    July 15, 2014 at 10:25 pm (10 years ago)

    What a great post. While I am not a full fledge “MOM”, I am Mom to a fur baby and I know she loves to me to give her fun, cuddles, and to be fed on time. She looks to me on what to do and when. I love her.

  7. Maggie C
    July 15, 2014 at 10:21 pm (10 years ago)

    I wish my 1 year old would say mom other than when she’s crying LOL.


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