Mommy Madness – Day 21

Good Morning and Welcome to Day 21 of Mommy Madness 2015! We are already on the LAST day of Week Three – the week of focusing and celebrating our husbands… can you believe it?! Starting tomorrow we will be finishing up the last 9 days of the Challenge with focusing on the ENTIRE family… and it going to be GOOOOD! We will be doing a lot of fun family activities every single day and you won’t want to miss it!

I hope as you focused on your marriage and your husband this week, that you were able to draw closer together! We started off the week by learning each other’s love languages – so from here on out, we know exactly how they need to be shown love! We also surprised our men with their favorite treats and had a movie night, did something special for them on St. Patrick’s Day, played games and maybe got a little intimate with them in a fun “winning” way, went down memory lane and realized everything we have been through with them and lastly, had a fun date night out on the town!

How did you feel this week as you focused on him? It’s so fun to show him some love, huh?! Marriage REALLY does matter after the baby comes – and it is important to always remember that.

I am REALLY excited for this final day of celebrating our husbands – in fact, I have been looking forward to it all week long! On Sunday, I asked for you to email or text all of your husband’s friends and family and ask them to write him little notes and letters about how much they love him and how amazing he is! I hope they are collected and you are ready to spoil your man today!


Today’s Challenge is as follows: Once you have all of the letters collected, you are going to want to print them off and put each of them in their own little envelope. If you don’t have envelopes, it is okay – just fold them up. I encourage you to write a letter too – and if your kids are old enough, they can “write” {more like scribble on a piece of paper for some of the little ones} and add them to the pile. You want as many as possible!

THEN – your mission today is to put them ALL around the house, in places you KNOW he will be today. The goal is for him to find letters from different people throughout the day in random places. You can put them by his bed, in the bathroom, by his towel outside the shower, in the refrigerator, in his car, by the tv… wherever he will be throughout the day.

Today you are going to make him feel loved and appreciated – and show him how truly AMAZING he is! Yes, we are going to boost their egos a bit! 🙂 I know that each letter you collected will mean the world to him! He will love hearing how awesome he is to all of his friends and family! AND he will love that YOU spent the time this week to ask them all to do such a thing for him!

I promise he will love this – it’s such a great way to end the week and to show him that he is SO loved by everyone around him! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Just as a reminder: Pin THIS image on Pinterest right now from our Mommy Madness Challenge board. {IMPORTANT: It must be pinned from that specific board and be that pin so we can get your entries in for the day!} Then after you complete the challenge, come back to Pinterest and comment on our Day TWENTY-ONE Pin {THIS pin} and tell us that you did it!

For extra entries: Post a picture on Instagram or Facebook of you working on the challenge OR Tweet about it on Twitter – just be sure on ALL Social Media to be sure you use #MommyMadness2015 so we can see each entry! You can also tag Today’s The Best Day in {optional} so we are notified and can check it out!

Have a WONDERFUL Saturday and we hope today is the BEST day! xoxo

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