7 Reasons To Get Healthy {not necessarily skinny}

I looked in the mirror – turning from my right side to my left side. I sucked it all in and then I released the belly that was staring right at me in the mirror. When I sucked in, I imagined what it would feel like to really be that skinny ALL the time – I would be confident, I would be pretty, and every outfit would look good on me!

But suddenly I heard a cry coming from the other room – it was my baby. Why wasn’t she sleeping?! I was tired…no… I was exhausted. I adjusted my clothes and went into her room and rocked her back to sleep.

As her perfect little hands held on to my shirt, her little bald head rested on my chest and her chunky sweet body fell on my stomach – I realized why I had that belly I was looking at in the mirror – I was a mom. I. Was. A. MOM!

Being a mom is a dream come true for me. I may only have one, but she has changed my life for the better. In fact, she has made me happier than I ever could have imagined. Who would have known a little 8 pound baby, could bring so much joy to a 20-something girl!

So many of my friends who had one, two or even three children – seemed to snap right back into their pre-pregnancy weight so naturally. I would look at Facebook and Instagram, comparing myself to all of the other girls my age and how flat their tummies seemed to be. I would watch the Bachelor, read magazines and see in the movies what “beautiful” and “flawless” was. And I thought those two words meant one thing – “skinny.”

That was exactly what I wanted to be! I wanted to be skinny.

A few months went by and every time I looked in the mirror I would literally dream of that flat belly in the mirror. I wanted to be thin like every other mom in my life. I wanted to fit into skinny jeans and not have to stretch them out before they became comfortable. I wanted to be able to wear a swimsuit without a big loose coverup over it. I wanted to be happy and not worry about my body image.

My husband knows the true meaning of being healthy. By eating right and working out, he was able to lose 50lbs a few years ago and has been able to keep off the pounds ever since! You guys! 50 POUNDS!! I knew if I could talk to anyone about my weight, he would be the one to help.

He walked in the door from work and I was so excited to tell him that I was ready to be skinny! I am 99% sure that I used the word “skinny” at least 7 times before he interrupted.

His reply to my rant has stuck with me for many months now.

He said: “Skinny doesn’t mean healthy. ANYONE can be skinny – but it takes a lot of work to be healthy.”

My perspective on my body image was changed that day. He was right. It didn’t matter if I had a little baby bump – I was a mom! It didn’t matter if I wasn’t teeny tiny right after popping out my baby – I gave birth to a miracle! It didn’t matter if I wasn’t a size zero – I have never been a size zero!

What did matter? I was a mom and needed to take care of my body. I gave birth to a miracle and needed to be active so I could play with her! I wasn’t a size zero, but could find a size that worked for my body and meant I was healthy.

You guys!! I am SO excited to start a new journey of becoming HEALTHY! By eating right and exercising I know that I will be able to reach my goals and I want to invite you to join me!

College of Champions is giving away 8 FREE WEEKS of training that include meal plans and daily exercises, tailored to your specific body and goals! I just signed up and spots are filling fast so hop in and let’s get healthy TOGETHER!

Here are 7 Reasons To Get Healthy {Not Skinny}:


1. BECAUSE YOU CAN FEEL GOOD AND HAVE CONFIDENCE: As women, we compare. It is the awful truth! We see girls our age and think we could never look like them – and sometimes even feel stuck in our own bodies. I am so excited to say – that you CAN feel good. You CAN have confidence. And not only can you – but you deserve it. By focusing on being healthy, you can gain the confidence you need to keep going. By eating good foods and being active – you will feel better and have more energy for your daily routine.

2. BECAUSE YOU CAN HELP YOUR FAMILY AND OTHERS: It is sometimes overwhelming to think what being the “mom of the household” really entails. Whatever I buy at the grocery store – my family snacks on. Whatever I cook for dinner – my family eats. Whatever I pack our schedule full of – my family does.

By creating good and healthy habits for ourselves today, impacts our families tomorrow. If we try to buy healthy snacks, make well-balanced meals and try to sneak activities into our schedules that make our bodies get moving – our husbands and children will be able to start doing the same and naturally have healthy habits too! We can set the example in our own homes and communities, by starting now.

3. BECAUSE YOU CAN LIVE LONGER AND PREVENT DISEASE: The day I became a mom, I knew I never wanted to be a part from my little family. I am just so grateful that we are a family forever! By focusing on being healthy rather than just skinny – we can make our bodies so strong. By being healthy, we can have strong muscles, a beating heart, a clear brain, low blood pressure and will be easier to breathe.

4. BECAUSE HEALTHY IS SEXY: It’s really true! I have talked to several men about this and 4 out of 5 have said, “Healthy is better than skinny.” It goes for the guys too, right?! We should always want to try to look our very best for our men – even after we are married. By taking care of yourself not only are you showing him that you want to look good for him, but you are showing him that you love yourself – and he LOVES when you are confident.

5. BECAUSE BEAUTY STARTS ON THE INSIDE: I am a BIG believer in having inner beauty. I think you can be the most gorgeous girl that walked the earth, but if you have a bad attitude or are mean to others – it just takes all of your looks away. By focusing on being healthy, you are taking care of what is inside of you. Not only physically, but mentally too.

6. BECAUSE YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH THE KIDS: How often do we say, “I am just too old for that” or “I use to be able to do that.” The truth is – we CAN keep up with our kids. I have a one-year-old and oh my heavens, does she keep me on my toes?! We are always on the move and into just about EVERYTHING! When our bodies receive the nutrients they need and we practice something physical every day – we can test our endurance and even keep up with the little ones running around the park with the energy of the Energizer Bunny that just keeps going and going and going.

7. BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT: Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let even your mind tell you otherwise. You aren’t a quitter. You can do hard things. You can become whatever you want to become! You deserve having confidence. You deserve a little bit of pride. You deserve being happy.

Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds – gain a little weight – test your endurance – work on your baby tummy – or just want to feel a little better about yourself, join me as I try to become a little bit healthier and in return will be a little bit happier!

“Forget about getting skinny. Eat well & exercise – the weight will take care of itself.”

Click here to sign up for College of Champions Newsletter so you can get in on their FREE 8 week program with me! AND THEN – don’t forget to follow me every Friday for “Fit Friday” where I will be sharing my progress, favorite healthy snacks/meals and workout plans that I try from College of Champions on Facebook Instagram and Twitter!

If I can do this… anyone can!! Let’s get healthy TOGETHER!

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7 Comments on 7 Reasons To Get Healthy {not necessarily skinny}

  1. katrina g
    September 4, 2014 at 9:11 pm (10 years ago)

    I go by how my body feels and not by what the scale says.

  2. Chelsea
    September 3, 2014 at 7:20 pm (10 years ago)

    I completely agree! Until my first baby was born, I had struggled my whole life with trying to be skinny. I definitely wasn’t healthy, which is probably why I ended up gaining 50 pounds when I was pregnant with him. After he was born I made a real effort to change. I worked out and I ate healthy and I finally felt good about myself, no matter what the number on the scale was. It can be so hard to get to that point, but when you do, it completely changes your life! Thanks for the tips!

  3. katherine
    September 3, 2014 at 6:58 pm (10 years ago)

    Yes I really need to get healthy!

  4. Taya
    September 3, 2014 at 3:30 am (10 years ago)

    These are all excellent reasons to be healthy. I’d like to lose some of the “baby fat” still.

  5. Dede
    September 3, 2014 at 12:46 am (10 years ago)

    I gained a LOT of weight in the years since my kids were born. Initially I lost the baby weight but it’s crept back on (plus some) since then. Things shift around, too, and my metabolism isn’t what it used to be. It’s taken a lot to adjust to the fact that I’ll never be my pre-mama size again but that’s okay!

  6. Bonnie @ wemake7
    September 3, 2014 at 12:45 am (10 years ago)

    So true! Just because one is slender and skinny does not mean they are healthy. I’m actually starting to eat healthier and lose weight and my goal is to get healthier to feel better.

  7. Hannah R
    September 2, 2014 at 11:22 pm (10 years ago)

    Danielle, thank you SO much for this post! It has definitely changed my perspective on being healthy vs. skinny. You realy are a gem. 🙂


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